Faces of the Field | Mara Hoover

Meet Mara Hoover, a former residential general contractor who has never met a glass ceiling she couldn’t shatter. Singularly focused from an early age with entrepreneurial drive and ambition, Mara is the definition of the Millennial Hero generation.

Drawn to the financial services industry after devastating financial losses in the Great Recession, Mara has made it her mission to help others protect their loved ones and gain financial literacy and competency so they can live an empowered life.

With a focus on women, Mara runs hundreds of seminars annually on Money 101 and Wine, Women and Wealth which were developed by Five Rings Financial.  “I feel blessed and privileged to help people, especially women, uncover their truths about their relationship with money. Seeing women connect the dots and make changes to improve their financial situation is powerful. Nothing is more rewarding than that.”



Moving from California to Colorado this year, Mara and her partner Andre, have joined forces under Life Made to Order Financial, to create a national network of financial services for women.
