Debora Masker Blog post 020921 1

Lessons from LifeChangers: Using Technology in the Classroom

This is part of a series of posts from nominees for our LifeChanger of the Year educator recognition program. We meet scores of fascinating LifeChangers every year who have interesting perspectives to share about children, education and life.

The LifeChanger of the Year program recently invited some of us who are nominees for the annual reward to write an essay about how we use technology in the classroom. I initially thought that was beyond my skill set. But I challenged myself to offer my thoughts with the hope that other educators will gain an idea or two about how and when to use technology. Or maybe these thoughts will cause you to step back and think about how you approach technology in your classroom in these very difficult times.


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3 Reasons Your Teacher Retirement Plan Should Include a Fixed Indexed Annuity

While the current low interest environment is great for mortgages and other debts we may hold, it can mean something different for our retirement savings. Whether you’re just getting started with a 403(b) or 457(b) Plan – or have been contributing to one for a while – now is the time to consider selecting a Fixed Indexed Annuity (FIA) as one of your allocation options if your plan offers one.


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Teachers: 5 Things You Should Know About a 403(b)

This summer, I was tasked with overhauling Retirement Homeroom, a National Life website dedicated to helping Educators and School District Employees plan for retirement. Like any project, I started with an open mind, gathering as much knowledge as I could and putting myself in the shoes of those we seek to help: Teachers. I found myself back in the classrooms of my favorite teachers, reflecting on their contributions to who I am – and where I am – today. I thought about the relentless “one-paper-every-weekend” assignment in Mr. Hayes’ AP English Class: I mastered the art of the m-dash. I left more prepared for college than I ever imagined. I became a writer.


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