
Business Student Wins Intern of the Year Award

National Life has a robust internship program. There are at least 40 students from colleges and universities around the country who spend the summer on our Vermont and Dallas campuses.

They get an opportunity to learn all aspects of the business in jobs with real responsibilities. They also work together in teams on projects identified by different departments.

So we were thrilled to see this summer’s intern of the year get some recognition when he got back to campus. Here’s what the University of Vermont wrote about Dan Fahey a couple of weeks ago.


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Managing It All: My First Student Loan Payment Is Here

I just made my first student loan payment last week….and everything just got real, folks. According to the Wall Street Journal, with 2015 graduates owing $35,000 on average, I’m lucky; my student loans aren’t nearly as crippling as many of my classmates’ loans. And while I’d love to attribute that to the fantastic scholarships I received that actually only barely made a dent, my mom is the one who took on the largest part of the loans and I’m forever grateful to her. (more…)

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10 Reasons I Love Life Insurance

CarouselSoccerSmlI was standing on the soccer sidelines the other evening talking to my fellow soccer moms about how well a child we all knew was adjusting to the loss of her mother a year ago.  It was a horrible conversation that made us all feel uncomfortable and incredibly sad.  I hate being sad.  I hate thinking about sad horrible things.  I avoid them at all costs.  I do.

So what I started thinking about was what makes me feel better.  I wasn’t thinking that I might die one day, I was thinking about how much I love my family and how much I love my life insurance.  That’s right – I love my life insurance and here are my top ten reasons why:


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Opening the Next Chapter: Musings from a Recent College Grad

All of a sudden, you’re walking away with a piece of paper in your hand saying that you’re now qualified to head out into the working world.  I know I speak for all college graduates when I say, “Where on Earth did the time go?!” Gradcapsgowns_B9A6046 2_smWhat a milestone. While graduation has become a time for well-deserved celebration, it ultimately comes down to a time for reflection and thinking ahead. The ever looming question, “What am I going to do with my life?” haunted me every day, even before senior year began. As a planner, the uncertainty of the future was terrifying because as we all know, a college degree doesn’t guarantee a job offer anymore – it now only seems to serve as a jumping off point. (more…)

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