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What It Means to Be a Beneficiary

From the day we are born, a future full of exciting adventures and milestones unfolds before us like a road map. We all know that this road map is bound to change; sometimes we end up in detours and have to turn around and start over, sometimes the car stalls out and we need some maintenance, and sometimes the people that come along for the ride—the ones who help guide us and help give directions—are suddenly gone. We are left with an empty space and often aren’t sure how we are going to navigate the twists and turns in the road up ahead. (more…)

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Be Mindful About Your Charitable Gifts

Fall is here–the end of the year isn’t far away. If your family is like my family, our attention turns to many different things: getting winter clothes ready, watching football, making holiday plans. We also look back to see how the year has taken shape and what we still want to accomplish. Being mindful about what’s happened so far and what we still want to do during the year is important to us. It focuses our activities, gives us a good sense of our finances and lets us make informed choices. (more…)

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