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It wasn’t MY life that flashed before my eyes

I couldn’t imagine a more perfect life for myself other than the life I was currently living.

I had traveled the world as a four-time Olympian. With my soulmate and husband by my side, I marveled at the wonders of life as we raised our three young children to be adventurous, courageous, and strong. I had started a successful career helping others protect their futures.

I couldn’t imagine how much my own life would soon change.


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Not Something You Want, But There If Needed

Life insurance with “living benefits” can help in tough times.

Ironically, this overview of life insurance benefits designed to improve the quality of your life may take on a slight morbid tone in places. But bear me out.

This is about the ins and outs of living benefits,1 which are features available on many permanent life insurance products that give you access to death benefits or cash value while you’re still alive.


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GettyImages LifeIns4Living

Life (Insurance) Is for the Living, Too

Did you know that many people rely on life insurance while they’re living in addition to the death benefit proceeds? About 91% of life insurance owners say they bought it to “cover burial and other final expenses,” according to the 2018 LIMRA Insurance Barometer. Yet, nearly half admit that they hope to turn to their policy’s cash value for retirement income or to pay current home expenses. (more…)

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