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Tools and Tips for National Save for Retirement Week

This week is National Save for Retirement Week and I know what you’re thinking, “Another made up holiday so somebody can sell me something.”  Well, it may be a made up “week,” but it is one that has merit. National Save for Retirement Week is about raising awareness for one of the largest issues facing Americans—actually saving for retirement.

Now you think I’m exaggerating, but I’m not.  The reason retirement planning and saving for the future is a topic that is on every news program, in every financial magazine and important enough to be recognized by a week-long event is because many Americans are grossly unprepared to bear the financial responsibility of retiring.  In fact, according to the US Federal Reserve’s 2014 Survey of Household Economics and Decisionmaking, 38% of Americans have no intention to retire or plan to keep working for as long as possible, and 31% have no retirement savings or pensions.

Use the information and tools below to be aware of the importance of saving for the future and then spread the word!  Then, take action and start to save.


Here are some calculators and resources to help get you started:


CalculatorIconSave now vs. save later calculator




Retirement savings calculator



Learn about IRAs

Learn about annuities

