
Heart Disease Is A Silent Killer For Women

Many people refer to the culture at National Life as one of family. The genuine caring and interest we have for one another is obvious, especially when a crisis situation arises. Recently my colleagues Terri Carlyle and her sister-in-law and fellow National Life employee Mona McCain shared their niece’s story with me, bringing attention to a silent killer. Here it is in their words. (more…)

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3 Ways to Bridge the Gender Savings Gap

When it comes to savings, the gender savings gap is huge. A recent study1 indicated that women have 50% lower savings than their male counterparts. There are a number of reasons that this disparity exists, among these are that on average women earn lower salaries than their male counterparts and will spend fewer years in the workforce. However, there are actions that women can take right now, that will help improve their savings and provide a bridge to end the gender savings gap. (more…)

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How to Reduce Your Risk of Breast Cancer

Cancer is scary. It used to be a disease that I only heard my grandma whisper to her friends when they were sitting around the kitchen table talking. It usually went something like this:

“You remember Louise? Remember, she was the one at Uncle Vinny’s wedding that brought the salsa bowl? Well she has “cancer…breast cancer.”

I can still see and hear my grandma leaning over the table–whispering “cancer” to her friends–almost as if saying it out loud might cause her to have it. My, how times have changed. (more…)

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