
2017 401(k) & IRA Contribution Limits

As I’ve gotten older (and wiser!), a lesson I learned early in life has really started to influence my financial decision making: the earlier I save, the more time my money has to grow. The concept isn’t overly complicated. Everyone knows the earlier you save, the better. The problem most have–myself included–is following through and putting money away for the future. But now that I’ve had a steady paycheck for a few years and have been focused on saving, I’m able to witness the growth in my account and I’ve got to say…I love watching my money make more money! (more…)

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Borrow From Yourself

“A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don’t need it.” 

-Bob Hope

It’s one of those classics that falls into the ‘It’s funny because it’s true’ category.

Really, it’s not funny.  But, it does seem to be true.  Since the Great Recession of 2008, middle income Americans are finding it harder than ever to borrow money from banks.  Tightened regulations implemented in 2009 are causing bank lenders to look for near perfect credit qualifications in order to make loans for mortgages, auto purchases and even for small business owners.  (more…)

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Don’t Give Away Money


It can be so confusing to know where to save for retirement.  Is a Roth IRA better than a Traditional IRA?  Would it be better for me to defer in my employer’s 401(k) plan?  Should I make my deferral all pre-tax or all after-tax (Roth)?  Or would it be better to do a combination?


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