
2017 401(k) & IRA Contribution Limits

As I’ve gotten older (and wiser!), a lesson I learned early in life has really started to influence my financial decision making: the earlier I save, the more time my money has to grow. The concept isn’t overly complicated. Everyone knows the earlier you save, the better. The problem most have–myself included–is following through and putting money away for the future. But now that I’ve had a steady paycheck for a few years and have been focused on saving, I’m able to witness the growth in my account and I’ve got to say…I love watching my money make more money! (more…)

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What I Have Learned about Saving for Retirement

It is stunning to me that annuities have such a bad reputation. Many consumers think of annuities as extremely complex financial vehicles with high fees and inflexible contracts. High profile financial gurus often tell their television viewers or telephone callers that annuity products are offered by shysters and should make you turn and run for the hills.

Truth be told, I bought into this viewpoint when I was less educated about what these products were and how they worked. (more…)

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What is Your Retirement Savings IQ?

While many Americans believe they’re retirement savvy, the average baby boomer has trouble answering even simple retirement questions. New survey data from the Indexed Annuity Leadership Council’s Retirement IQ Study shows folks between 52 and 70 years of age have a significant gap in retirement knowledge, resulting in little action toward securing their golden years. (more…)

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