During the holiday season, achieving mind and body balance can feel even more daunting than usual. The burning question remains…how do we do it? How do we care for ourselves while hanging up a string of holiday responsibilities atop our already full lives? (more…)
How to Make the Most of Your Commute
In the U.S., the average, one-way commute time is 26.1 minutes, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. That means that most of us are spending over 200 hours a year in our cars or on some form of public transportation getting to and from work. That’s a lot of precious time that shouldn’t be wasted with road rage or subway fisticuffs. There is a better way that can actually transform your ride into a meaningful, and even mystical mobility. (more…)
#FindYourCause: Service Before Self
It is better to give than to receive, and National Life employee Kaitlyn Cota Lary has traveled the world living her cause.
When first looking for the opportunity to give back, Kaitlyn wanted to push herself out of her comfort zone. She succeeded in doing that by volunteering in Guatemala for a week when she was 19 years old. (more…)
The 1 Resolution to Change Your Life
At the start of each year, I call to mind the past and acknowledge the changes that need to follow me into the New Year. A resolution to me is more than a healthier diet or an increase in exercise; it is about doing good and demonstrating gratitude. Gratitude is the one resolution that can change your life–it certainly changed mine. (more…)