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At the start of each year, I call to mind the past and acknowledge the changes that need to follow me into the New Year. A resolution to me is more than a healthier diet or an increase in exercise; it is about doing good and demonstrating gratitude. Gratitude is the one resolution that can change your life–it certainly changed mine.

Growing up, I always had a mother by my side who would wipe my tears, rub my belly and remind me that everything will get better. I always thought I would be able to return the favor further down the road when we both became much older. I looked forward to the opportunity to be one who nurtured, comforted, and cared with kind gestures. I looked forward to the time when I could show my mother the love from the appreciation of a life lived and an understanding of the sacrifices made. When my mother was in a tragic car accident overseas, that day came all too soon.

Sometimes it takes unforeseen accidents or unfortunate events to notice the things we are blessed with and grateful for. In my personal life it was the ability to walk, speak, drive, sleep, and cook. As a professional, it is the ability to improvise, multitask, make decisions, compose an email, compute, or even work on a computer. When was the last time you realized how grateful you are to have the capability to do these actions naturally? Have you ever?

Gratitude is a verb. It is more than a Facebook post, a mantra or a daily meditation posted on Instagram. Gratitude is composed of small daily acts of appreciation and love. Gratitude is recognizing what is important and working to nurture and protect it. And sometimes, despite all our efforts, we still lose what’s important; but we are all the better because we never took it for granted.

Before the car accident, there was a lack of gratitude in my life. It was when I needed a ride to work that I noticed my mother could not drive me anymore. It was when I had to help pay the bills when I noticed how hard my mom worked to make it seem like money was not an issue. I did not realize the strength of the verb gratitude until experience taught me otherwise.

Unexpected and tragic events happen daily and typically ranging from the minor to the major, life can change at any moment–whether it is being stuck in a traffic jam for hours or being the accident that caused the traffic jam. Life insurance might be able to help financially protect you and your loved ones from those tragic events. The majority of people apply for life insurance when their health turns or when their mobility becomes sluggish due to an injury. It is important to think of life insurance before things take a wrong turn, while you are healthy and active. Instead of focusing on losing weight this year or eating your veggies; it’s a great time to resolve to make gratitude a verb–an action in your daily life.

Gratitude is recognizing and protecting what is important. In 2017, I am more grateful and have an awareness I wish my friends could have without experiencing the tragedy my family went through. My verb, my action this year is to purchase a life insurance policy on myself. I am taking action to nurture and protect what I love–myself. Will you?
