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Spring Cleaning for Your Life

As the blooms burst and birdsong replaces the silence of winter, spring is more than a metaphor for renewal. It’s the ultimate call to action framed by nature’s boundless reminders that change is powerful and within our reach.

Many of us think of spring as time to clean out the closet and take those clothes you haven’t worn for many seasons to your favorite local charity. Decluttering is a good ritual, but how about going beyond that this spring? Here are some ways to dig deeper for a more holistic spring cleaning for your life.

1) Out with the old…and in with the new.

Letting go of bad habits and forming new ones is not only tough, but it also takes time. In a study by psychology researcher, Phillippa Lally, she found that it took an average of two months for a new behavior to become automatic. So, just as we patiently wait for spring, we also need to be patient and persistent as we work on developing new habits.

2) What’s the baggage holding you back?

What’s the clutter in your mind? What self-defeating beliefs are you holding onto that you need to let go of? Spring cleaning for your mind or soul can get a little help from positivity and meditation apps. Have fun with it. Here are some resources for you to explore.

3) Who brings you joy?

Sometimes spring cleaning is about people. Have you heard the saying that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with? Think about surrounding yourself with people who bring out the best in you and who challenge you to grow and stretch, dream and laugh, and never give up. Make it a spring goal to add someone new and inspiring to your circle.

4) Consider working with a pro.

If you find yourself clearing out the same physical clutter over and over again or never getting your email inbox under control, you may want to consider working with a professional organizer or productivity expert. Investing time with an expert can help you set up systems and permanently change your behaviors. When I was an entrepreneur living and working in 750 square feet in Manhattan, I hired a professional organizer who not only helped me design my home office for ultimate productivity, but also gave me some organizational skills that had a major impact on my career and my personal life. You can search for professionals at national associations such as napo.net.

5) Get on top of your financial well-being.

Spring is the perfect time to look at your finances. Do you have your financial house in order: documents organized, beneficiaries identified, and most importantly a financial strategy that matches where you are today and where you’re going?

So as you envision the perfectly organized closet that is clutter-free, take stock of the bigger picture and let the fresh air into every corner of your life.

