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Remember The Good Times

They say it’s the most wonderful time of year.  I suppose it is, but some don’t feel that way every year.  If you don’t feel that way it’s alright.  It doesn’t mean you’re a bad person.  It’s understandable if you’ve had a hard year and the holidays bring back memories of those rougher times.  It’s ok if it brings back memories of happier times that you want again.  It’s ok if you just don’t feel it.  This past year has been a tough one for a lot of us.

When you don’t feel it and you’re not as joyous and giving as everyone around you, you begin to realize how commercial the holiday season has become.  You can give to the Angel Tree, the Salvation Army, Toy’s For Tot’s, give food to the food pantry, help stuff the truck, adopt a child or family for the holidays, give to your local school, the mitten tree, donate your winter wear, help the homeless, support programs that help those with domestic abuse.  And, don’t forget the ASPC or your local animal shelter.  Everywhere you go, no matter what events you attend you are asked to bring a canned good, an unwrapped toy or a stuffed animal.  Give, donate, sponsor, help, help, help…..  Sometimes I just want to say stop already.

When we were younger it was exciting to have the whole family together.  Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Grandparents, close friends would all gather and talk, laugh and tell stories.  My mom has a musical family so they would play instruments and sing.  All the women were in the kitchen preparing the food; the guys in the other room telling tall tales of hunting and fishing.  It was a great time.

As children we were close.  There were six of us.  We didn’t have a lot so we were outside playing all the time.  Of course we had chores, but during the day we would be running in the woods, climbing trees, building forts.  We lived a pretty secluded life so we only had each other for entertainment.  We didn’t have all the electronics kids have now.  I remember one thing we liked to play more than anything was Lost In Space.  (Millennials look up that TV show.)

At Christmas time, we were glued to our small little black and white TV every night at 6:30 listening to Santa read off the letters he had received and wondered what all the other kids were asking for.  We made out our lists and hoped Santa would read them some night.  Of course he never did.   It wasn’t commercial then.  We received what we needed – shoes, pajamas, boots, a pair of slacks or skirt for school, reading books, coloring books and new crayons. Nothing like new crayons.  I remember those good times.

Now, we are all adults with families of our own.  Some live away, we all have separate lives, and we just don’t gather anymore.  So, I have to remember the good times.

Know you are not alone.  If you’ve lost someone, feel alone or wish for those happier days, just remember the good times and it will help get you through it.  Not just during the holidays, but every day….remember the good times.
