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Plan on Enjoying a Long Retirement

When my mom told me she was moving from small-town South Carolina to the Gulf Coast of Florida, images of alligators, Disney World and The Golden Girls danced through my head. While I knew she had worked hard to put me and my brother through college, I was quite surprised to learn her sound financial planning had been able to afford her this incredible move. (more…)

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Snowball vs. Avalanche: Two Ways to Pay off a Mountain of Debt

There are many Americans who have found themselves stranded atop a mountain of debt. For those determined to navigate down the mountain the first question is, “Where do I start?” If you have multiple debts of various sizes and interest rates, it can be difficult to decide which debt to pay off first. Here are two ways to come down from a mountain of debt, aptly coined the Avalanche method and the Snowball method. (more…)

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